Select situation Select situation Bent grass Fine fescue / Tall fescue Kentucky blue grass Perennial Ryegrass Turf Select product type Select product type Fungicide Herbicide Ornamentals Turf colourant Select weed / disease / pest Select weed / disease / pest Amaranth Amaranthus spp Annual nettles Annual ryegrass Anthracnose Awnless barnyard grass Barnyard grass Bindy eye Bittercress Blackberry nightshade Bladder ketmia Brazilian white-eye Brown Patch or Large Patch Brown Ring Patch Brown patch Buffalo grass Button grass Caltrop Chickweed Common heliotrope Common verbena Couch grass Creeping oxalis Crested goosefoot Crowsfoot grass / crabgrass Cudweed Dandelion Dead nettle Dollar spot Dwarf amaranth Early spring grass Ectotrophic Root infecting fungi (ERI) Including: Take-all Root Rot Ectotrophic root infecting fungi(ERI) including: Spring Dead Spot Ectotrophic root infecting fungi(ERI) including: Take-all patch Everlasting / cudweed Fairy ring Fat hen Fleabane Flickweed Fumitory (Fumaria spp.) Giant or black pigweed Green amaranth Green fat hen Green summer grass Guinea grass Helminthosporium Complex Hybrid couch Indian hedge mustard Kikuyu Leaf and sheath spot Liverseed grass Liverwort Mintweed (supression) Mossman River grass Native millet Pale pigeon grass Paspalidium Pennyroyal Pepper grass Peppercress Pigweed Poa trivialis Prickly lettuce Queensland blue couch / Summer grass Queensland blue grass Red caustic creeper / Petty spurge Red flinders grass Scarlet Pimpernel Scarlet pimpernel Scrambling speedwell Shepherd's purse Signal grass Small burr grass Sow thistle / Milk thistle Stagger weed Stink grass Stonecrop Subterranean clover Summer grass Toad rush Turnip weed Warm and cool season turf Weeping love grass White clover Wild carrot Wild hops Wild mustard Wild radish Willow herb Winter grass Wireweed